Famous People in Psychology

Descriptions of famous people in psychology and what they are most known for or associated with. 

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Wilhelm Wundt
Founder of scientific psychologyFounded first formal lab
Studied consciousness using introspection in Leipzig, GermanyAssociated with school of Structuralism - early psychological perspective that emphasized units of consciousness and identification of elements of thought through introspection; breaking down mental processes into basic components.Titchener = student Wrote Principles of Physiological Psychology
William James
"Father of psychology"Wrote Principles of Psychology James-Lange theory of emotion says emotion is the mind's perception of physiological conditions that result from some stimulusAssociated with School of Functionalism - early psychological perspective concerned with how an organism uses its perceptual abilities to adapt to its environment
John Dewey
One of the founders of School of Functionalism and philosophy of pragmatism Carr, Mead, and Angell also proponents of Functionalism
John Watson
Established School of Behaviorism - analysis of behavior and reactions is the only objective method to get insight into human actions; learning as a result of experienceKnown for experiments in classical conditioningThought thinking consisted of "subvocal speech" Little Albert experiment"Twelve infants" quote
B.F. Skinner
Part of the Behaviorist SchoolKnown for experiments in operant conditioningInvented the operant conditioning chamber ("Skinner box")Schedules of reinforcement
Sigmund Freud
"Father of psychoanalysis"Psychoanalysis - concerned with how unconscious instincts, conflicts, motives and defenses influence behaviorFree association, theory of transference, interpretation of dreams, id, ego & superego, theory of psychosexual development, thanatos, eros Daughter = Anna
Josef Breuer
Helped lay foundation for psychoanalysisWorked with Freud
Carl Jung
Founder of analytical psychologyCollective unconsciousArchetypesAnima and animus
Alfred Adler
Founder of the school of Individual PsychologyMost famous concept = inferiority complex and emphasis on power dynamics Personality types = getting/leaning, avoiding, ruling/dominant, socially useful Emphasized birth order as influencing style of life (idiographic measure)
Karen Horney
Classified as Neo-Freudian Detailed theory of neurosis: a continuous process with neuroses occurring sporadically during life; named ten patterns of neurotic needs (moving toward, against or away from people aka compliance, aggression, and detachment)Criticized Freud's theory of penis envySelf-actualization is a person's aim throughout life (we have real self and ideal self)
Heinz Kohut
Psychoanalyst known for development of Self Psychology Tripartite (three-part) self can only develop when the needs of one's self-states are met Extended Freud's theory of narcissism and introduced "self-object transferences of mirroring and idealization"
Carl Rogers
Among the founders of the humanist approach Person-centered or client-centered therapyPerceptual field = reality for an individual Phenomenal field = changing world of experience Behavior = goal-directed attempt at satisfying needs "Unconditional Positive Regard" Main issue is the development of the self-concept
Abraham Maslow
Founder of the Humanistic approachConceptualized the "hierarchy of human needs" Basic Needs Security and Stability Love and Belonging Self-Esteem Self-Actualization
Joseph Wolpe
Developed systematic desensitization
Dollard, Doob and Miller
Social learning theorists who proposed the frustration-aggression hypothesis