Famous Paintings and Artists

Name the pain ting sho

11 cards   |   Total Attempts: 194

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Question 1
Name the painting and its artist.
The Scream by Edward Munch
Question 2
Name the painting and its artist.
Satan Devouring His Children by
Question 3
Name the painting and its artist.
Swans Reflecting Elephants by Salvador Dali
Question 4
Name the painting and its artist.
American Gothic by Grant Wood
Question 5
Name the painting and its artist.
Luncheon on the Grass by Edouard Monet
Name the painting and its artist.
Las Meninas by Diego Valazquez
Question 7
Name the painting and its artist.
The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli
Question 8
Name the painting and its artist.
The Arnolfini Marriage by Jan Van Eyck (also known as the Arnolfini Wedding, Arnolfini Portrait, or the Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his Wife)
Name the painting and its artist.
Name the painting and its artist.
Name the painting and its artist.