Exploring Creation with Biology Module #9

Using the Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd Edition, by Wile and Durnell, I have created a set of flashcards that let you study the vocabulary from module #.

Wile, Jay L., and Marilyn F. Durnell. "Module #9:Evolution: Part Scientific Theory, Part Unconfirmed Hypothesis." Exploring Creation with Biology. 2nd ed. Anderson: Apologia Educational Ministries, Inc., 46016. 261-98. Print.

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 198

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The Immutability of Species  
The idea that each individual species on the planet was specially created by God and could never fundamentally change
The theroy that natural selection can, over time, take and organism and transform it into a more specialized species of that organism
The hypothesis that processes similar to those at work in microevolution can, over eons of time, transform an organism into a completly different kind of organism
Distinct layers of rock
Preserved remains of once-living organisms
The study of fossils
Structural homology
The study of similar structures in different species