Explain the Entire Concept of Thin Layer Chromatography(TLC) Flashcards


36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why is TLC a very effective process for seperation and qualitative analysis of small amount of material?
It is fast, reproducible, and uses only a small amount of sample
What is a disadvantage with TLC?
It cannot be used with volatile compounds
What are volatile compounds?
They are comounds which tend to evaporate under ordinary temperature and pressure conditions
What is this process based upon?
The relative degree of partition of compounds between the given moving liquid phase and a given stationary phase such as silical gel or alumina
The degree of adsrobtion of the compound being analyzed on the the solid phase(plastic sheet) depends on?
It depends on the structure of the compound
When we add the developing liquid how does it move upwards along the solid phase?
The liquid moves up the plastic plate by capillary action
How will the compound spotted on the plate react with the moving liquid phase?
It is attracted to the moving liquid phase and will move up with up with the liquid phase
How will the different compounds in the substance move according to the moving liquid?
Different compounds wull move up to diff. heights depending on their structire
How does the polarity of substances affect how much they travel on the solid sheet?
The least polar substances will advance furthur than polar substances
Why do polar substances not travel as high up as non-polar substances?
This happens because the liq. phase is less polarthan than the stationart solid phase
What is the main purpose of TLC?
TLC can determine the number of compounds in a mixture, indicated by the # of spots on the developed plate
What else can TLC be used for?
To see if two compounds are identical or not; based on Rf values(same Rf values means identical compounds)
Why do you have to line the inside of your developing chamber with a "half moon" shaped filter paper?
To saturate the chamber with vapours of the developing solvent thus reducing its evaporation from the TLC plate
How much developing solution should be added to the developing chamber?
5-8 mls
What must be done if any of the compounds under investigation are highly polar
You should add drops of acetic acid into the developing chamber before putting the TLC plate in