Exam 4 Human Geography

Les dean human geography 2

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A form of tropical subsistence agriculture in which fields are rotated after short periods of crop production is
shifting cultivation
The zone of probability for a business is marked by
high income and low cost
The Kyoto Protocol addresses
global climate change
The continuation of economic dependence after political independence is
The type of manufacturing that is more likely to be located in peripheral countries is
The boundaries of rocky crustal plates are associated with
In which major world manufacturing country does industry not lie near sources of raw material
The increase in time and cost with distance is referred to as
friction of distance
Which of the four classifications of industry must locate where the resources are found
Theories which hold that economic disparities are built into the global economic system are
structuralist theories
Globally, the consumption of resources is tied to ______ more than any other factor
rate of population growth
The most prevalent rural residential pattern in the world's agricultural areas is
20,000 NGO's in Bangladesh constitute what can be called _____
a parallel state
Changes in climate involve changes in the ______ cycle, which in turn affects patterns of precipitation
Depletion of the ozone layer is caused by the release of ______ into the atmosphere