Exam #1 Criminology

Criminology Exam #1

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is criminology?
Scientific study of crime or crime related issues. It is not just focused on the act of the crime, but it is also the entire system (Lawyers, Judges ect).
What is crime?
The violation of a norm, or a law established by society.
What is law?
A set of self codified norms.
What are the two key components of law?
1) Socially constructed.2) Time & culturally variant.
If it is ______ than it's ______, but if it's ______ it's not always _______.
Legal, moral, illegal, immoral...
What are the top three countries with the highest incarceration rates?
1) U.S.2) Rwanda3) Russia
Who would be above the U.S. in incarceration rates if detention centers were counted?
Early crime was believed to be caused by ______; the body was punished in order to keep the ____ _______.
Demons, evil, contained
What was the issue with judges in the 1700s?
They were often bribed by the rich and therefore the poor received much harsher punishments.
What did Beccaria argue? What was his theory?
People use crime to maximize their pleasure and minimize their pain. That the system should be applied to everyone and all parties should be treated as rational actors.
What are the two components of punishment?
- Quick- Certain
If you have a punishment is too _______ than people would not buy into it, because it is ______ and _____________.
Severe, unfair, inappropriate
What are the 4 problems with the Classical School of Criminology?
1) Assumes everybody is motivated by their own self interest.2) Certainty of punishment is very low. 3) Legal order is anything but swift, particularly with capital punishment.4) Individualistic.
Who challenged the CSC? What is his argument?
Lombroso argued that more people are pre-exposed to criminal behavior, and some had traits that would make it less likely for them to be criminals. Basically, he believes criminals are destined to be criminals.
What did Edwin Sutherland's article state?
The passing of sexual psychopath laws were the result of news coverage that created hysteria and fear in communities and psychiatrists who wanted to benefit from diagnosing psychopaths for the courts....The research done at MU looked deeper into Sutherland’s sources and claims and discovered he had not been accurate or thorough with his research...