Everyday Memory and Memory Errors

Ch 8
Autobiographical Memory (multidimensional, over a life span) 8Exceptional Events (Memories/Emotion, Flashbulb memories)Constructive Memory (source monitor errors, real world knowledge effecting)Modification or creation (Misinformation, False memories of early events)Eyewitness Testimony

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Autobiographical memory is...
Recollected events from one's past.
Over time, autobiographical memory becomes more ______ memory rather than ________
Semantic; episodic
Recent events are rich in perceptual detail and emotional content (episodic) although they fade over time and become more semantic.
AM is defined as episodic memory for events in our lives PLUS personal semantics about facts of our lives.
AM are very rich and also elicit emotion, activating what part of the brain?
- Emotions trigger mechanisms in the amygdala that help us remember events that are associated with the emotions
Enhanced memory of adolescence and young adulthood in people over 40 is called...
The reminiscence bump
What are the 3 hypothesis' for the reminiscence bump?
- self-image - cognitive- cultural life script
Self image hypothesis
Development of self image brings numerous memorable events, most which happen during adolescence or young adult hood.
Cognitive hypothesis
The period which presents the most rapid change (following a stable adulthood) will bring about memorable experiences which are remembered.
Cultural Life Script hypothesis
Events in a persons life are easier to recall when they fit the cultural life script for that person's culture
Flash bulb memories:Are they as special as we think they are?
Tests show that people tend to reconstruct even highly emotional memories, though other studies have shown that they tend to remember these events more than everyday events...probably because 9/11 is all over the news etc constant reminders of it
What is the constructive nature of memory?
What people report as memories are constructed based on what actually happened plus a person's knowledge, experiences, and expectations.
What was Bartletts experiment?
War of the Ghosts:
Story people read to prove that humans reconstruct their own interpretation of what they remember.First time people had tested the constructible nature of human memory
What is repeated reproduction?
The same participants come back multiple times to try and remember something in an experiment.
Define Source Monitoring and explain its relevance
Process of determining the origins of our memories, knowledge, and beliefs. People want to know where they got their information from and when they note the wrong source, it's source misattribution
What is Cryptomnesia?
The unconscious plagiarism of others
George Harrison (Beatles) plagiarized a mans song because he thought the melody was his own but it was actually another bands
What experiment did Jacoby do involving Source Monitoring Errors?
Becoming Famous Overnight