Ethics and Single System Design

Quiz #1 *********

95 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are some limitations of single system?
- threats to validity, both internal and external
Limitations of single system Internal Validity
What else could have caused the change? not sure if improvement is due to the intervention - maturation -regression to the mean -history
Limitations of single system External Validity
- poor generalizability - one setting -one circumstance -one therapist
How does single system differ from classical research?
Single system is flexible, classical is not ssd has one target, classical has multiple
Does ssd or classical cost more?
Advantages to ssd
- build into everyday practice - objective and systematic - individual client focused -theory neutral -provides accountability
Objective are....?
Asses changes in client
Used to evaluate if the practitioners intervention caused the changes
Used to compare effectiveness across interventions
Ssd goals are chosen mutually, classical is chosen by research team
How classical and ssd differ
What does repeated measures pre and post intervention do?
Reduces threats to validity of findings
We are answerable for the actions and decisions we make
To Whom are we Accountable
STAKEHOLDERS To your profession, supervisors, funding sources, yourself……… YOUR CLIENTS
Honesty and Openness Conflicts of Interest Scientific Rigor Human Protections in Place CAUSE NO HARM
Ethical guidelines