Esssentials of Abnormal Psychology Chapter 4

Essentials of Abnorma

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Mood state characterized by bodily symptoms of physical tension and by apprehension about the future.
An immediate alarm reaction to danger.
Sudden, overhwleming fright or terror.
Panic Attack
Abrupt experience of intense fear or discomfort accompanied by sever physical symptoms.
Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS)
Brain circuit in the limbic system that responds to threat signals by inhibiting activity and causing axiety.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
Intense, uncontrollable, unfocused, chronic, and continuous worry that is distressing and unproductive, accompanied by physical symptoms of tenseness, irritability, and restlessness.
Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia
Fear and avoidance of situations the person believes might induce a dreaded panic attack
Anxiety about being in places of situations from which escape might be difficult.
Panic Disorder without Agoraphobia
Panic attacks experienced without development of agoraphobia.
Panic Control Treament
Cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic attacks, involving gradual exposure to feared somatic sensations and modification of perceptions and attitudes about them.
Specific Phobia
Fear of a specific object or situation that markedly interferes with daily life functioning.
Avoidance of exposure to blood, injury, or the possibilty of an injection.
Situational Phobia
Anxiety involving enclosed places or public transporation.
Natural Environment Phobia
Fear of situations or events in nature, especially heights, storms, and water.
Animal Phobia
Fear of animals or insects that usually develops early in life.