EPPP: Test Construction

Eppp stuff.

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

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      • The total number of examinees passing the item divided by the total number of examinees is item ___________.
Item difficulty (p) note: p = 0 to 1.0 (larger number – easier item)
      • This is calculated by subtracting the percent of examinees in higher scoring group from percent in lower scoring group who answered item correctly.
Item discrimination index (D) note: ranges from -1.0 to 1.0; D>.35 usually best
True score variability is called ...?
What type of reliability yeilds a coefficient of stability?
What type of reliability yeilds a coefficient of equivalence?
Alternative (equivalent, parallel) forms
The average reliability that would be obtained from all possible splits of the test is called ... ?
Cronbach's coefficient alpha
What is used for internal consistency reliability when items are dichotomous (right/wrong)?
Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20)
This is an index of the amount of error that can be expected in obtained scores due to the unreliability of a test and is used to create confidence intervals.
Standard Error of Measurment
+- 1 SEM --> confidence interval of ______ +- 2 SEM --> confidence interval of ______ +- 3 SEM --> confidence interval of ______
68% 95% 99%
A multitrait-multimethod matrix is used to assess ______________ validity
Convergent/ discriminant (type of construct validity)
Factorial validity is a type of ___________ validity.
____________ rotations are used with unrelated factors, while __________ rotations are used with related factors.
Orthogonal oblique
Reliability = ____________ (shared variance; the part explained by FA) + ____________ (part not explained by FA)
Communality specificity
Varimax, quartimax, equimax are all forms of _____________ rotation, while quartimin, oblimin, oblimax are all forms of _____________ rotation.
Orthogonal oblique
When creating a regression equation in criterion related validity study, the ________ is used to construct confidence interval.
Standard Error of the Estimate (SEE)