Endocrine System

Hormones of the endocrine system

45 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What is the source of the growth hormone?
Adenohyphoysis or The anterior putitiary gland
What is the target of the growth hormone?
The Skeletal System, or the Bones
What is the function of the growth hormone?
Its stimulates bone growth and glucose uptake in target cells, it also increases the use of fat as fuel
What is the source of Prolactin?
Adenohypophysis or anterior putiatry
Target of Prolactin?
Breast Tissue and Milk Glands
What four other hormones are from the adenhypophysis or the anterior putiary?
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Lutenizing Hormone(LH), Adrenocortiophic Hormone (ACTH), Thyroid Stiumlating Hormone(TSH)
What are the targets of the FSH and the LH Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Lutenizing Hormone(LH),
Ovaries and Testies
What is the target of the ACTH Adrenocortiophic Hormone (ACTH),
Adrenal cortex
What is the target of the TSH Thyroid Stiumlating Hormone(TSH)
What is secreted by the neurohypohysis?
What is secreted by the hypothalmus via the neurohypohysis?
Antidiueretic hormone (ADH)
Name this hormone: Reduces water loss from the body by reducing urine volume, at elevated levels this hormone can cause BV constriction
Antidiuertic Hormone (ADH)
What is the target of the ADH
Name this hormone: regulates secretion of thyroxine and triiodothyrine by the thyroid gland
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
What is the target of oxytocin?