Ender's Game Vocab: Chapter 8

Vocab for cha pter 8

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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Preponderant position of influence or authority over others; leadership; dominance "…I feel that I must report your orders and my opinion of their consequences to the Strategos and Hegemon." "…and don’t bring the whole damn Hegemony down on my neck."
Being capable of exerting strong influence; one in control; exhibiting control "This is something to be decided by people who know what they're doing, not these frightened politicians who got their office because they happen to be politically potent in the country they come from."
Details of administrative procedure "Because you're such a short-sighted little bureaucratic bastard that you think you need to cover yourself in case things go wrong."
To give; bestow; to invest with a characteristic "It made any Jew in the Battle School dream of being Strategos, and conferred prestige on him from the start. It also caused resentment."
Standing or estimation in the eyes of people; commanding position in people's minds "It made any Jew in the Battle School dream of being Strategos, and conferred prestige on him from the start. It also caused resentment."
A sensation of dizziness or giddiness and disorientation "…because of their insistence on a gravity that didn’t exist, the boys became awkward when the maneuver was under, as if vertigo seized them."
A group forming a greater whole in an army "The direction I fire my gun is the direction of their main continent."
In an excessively showy manner intended to attract notice "About a half hour into it, when they were practicing throwing off collisions with frozen soldiers, several commanders in different uniforms came in. They ostentatiously took down names."
To strike and rebound "Ender and Alai decided to throw a frozen soldier in the face of an enemy. The frozen Launchy struck helmet first, and the two caromed off each other. The older boy clutched his chest where the helmet had hit him, and screamed in pain."
A farmer that plants and cultivates something "Peter has always been a husbandman of pain, planting it, nurturing it, devouring it greedily when it was ripe…"
Childish; silly; immature; something belonging to childhood "Yet at school he acted as though he were excited about the puerile lesson of the day."
Evolutionary descent of a group or organisms "…he studied the binding of cells into organisms through the philotic collation of DNA. Peter was a master of flattery, and all his teachers bought it."
Ordering things to compare and find the differences "…he studied the binding of cells into organisms through the philotic collation of DNA. Peter was a master of flattery, and all his teachers bought it."
Characterized by facility and skill quick, skillful, adroit "They had become quite deft at sifting accurate information out of the stories of the hopelessly ignorant, gullible news writers."
The front or principal face of a building; often used figuratively of a deceptive outward appearance; false appearance "This was troubling. The façade of peace and cooperation had been undisturbed almost since the bugger wars began. What Peter had detected was a fundamental shift in the world order."