Electricity and Magnetism 4th Grade Flashcards

Here is the set of flashcards that consists of Electricity and Magnetism 4th Grade. Attempt these simple quizzes with ease and grow. Learn key terms, definitions, and much more related to Electricity and Magnetism of 4th Grade with the help of our flashcards quizzes with ease. ​

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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An object that attracts items made of iron, nickle or cobalt
Permanent Magnet
An object that holds its magnetism. These magnets will also be magnets.
Temporary Magnet
A magnet that become magnetic when a permanent magnet is introduced. By rubbing a permanent magnet over a piece of metal a temporary magnet can be created.
To pull together
To push apart
A push or a pull that causes something to happen.
Magnetic Field
The area of attraction surrounding a magnet.
The opposite ends of a magnet. Opposite poles will attract. North will attract South. South will attract North. Like forces repel. South will repel South. North will repel North.
A pathway along which electricity flows.
A wire around a central core.
A material through which electricity flows.
The material around which a coil is wound.
Closed Circuit
A COMPLETE circuit through which electricity WILL flow.
A material that PREVENTS the flow of electricity.
A device used to open and close a circuit.