EDF 301W Midterm

Midterm for EDF301W

32 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why is Social Theory an important analytical tool?
To help us understand social phenomenon.
3 people who have influenced public education
Thomas Jefferson, John Dewey, Horace Mann.
Who is primarily responsible for public education
State Government
The most influential institution for the transmission of values during the early nineteenth century was schooling.
Groups disadvantaged by Jefferson meritocratic educational plan
Women, African Americans, Native Americans, Mexican Americans
The best way to describe "dominant ideology" of a society.
Dominant Ideology is the set and beliefs and value system shared by most influential groups.
3 fundamental tenets of classical liberalism
Natural Law, Negative freedom, Nationalism.
Negative Freedom Vs. Positive Freedom
Negative freedom is having the choice to do something or not do something. Positive freedom is being forced to do something good for you.
Dewey's developmental democracy theory vs. Eliot's social efficiency theory
Dewey focuses more on interest of the individual while Eliot focuses more on social development.
Pedagogy of love.
Encouragement instead of punishment.
Women's opportunities for employment as teachers increased during the common school era partly because they were more knowledgeable then men.
Ideological Hegemony
Acceptance of the Status Quo
How does Ideological Hegemony affect what happens in the classroom?
Needs of minorities are not met.
4 theories of literacy
Conventional, Critical, Cultural, Functional
Theory endorsed by P. Freire
Critical Literacy