(Eddie) A View from the Bridge

Eddie's quotes

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Sinister moments, letting us think about what exactly is their relationship between Eddie and Catherine
Eddie is pleased and therefore shy about it
“Lemme see in the back” “You’re walkin’ wavy” “With you hair that way you look like a Madonna, you know that?”
 It is a good thing that Catherine is getting a job, yet he is feeling very emotional about it, even though he wants the best for her
“It almost seems that tears will form in his eyes”
“Smiles his emotion away”
“Powerful emotion is on him”
  Selfish, and wants to keep Catherine to himself
“Don’t trust nobody”
Warning that if you say things at the wring time, it may not end up well.
“Just remember, kid, you can quicker get back a million dollars that was stole than a word that you give away.”
Hinting through the lyrics of a song, and that Eddie sees other men after Catherine.
“It’s tough to love a doll that’s not your own” “I’m gonna buy a paper doll that I can call my own, a doll that other fellows cannot steal”
 Stage directions, to show Eddie’s insecurity, and his determination to keep Catherine to himself as he is seeing that Catherine is now attracted to Rodolfo's singing
“Eddie has risen, with iron control”
Upon hearing Rodolfo sing, he is now starting not to like him as Catherine is now attracted to Rodolfo
“His face puffed with trouble”
Eddie’s childishness and jealousy, even though he has no reason to dislike Rodolfo yet he is feeling uncomfortable
“He gives me the heeby-jeebies”
Implying that Rodolfo's gay, also showing Eddie's narrowmindedness
“He’s like a chorus girl or somp’m”
“I mean – high”
Trapped in his own emotions, unable to talk about marriage, also not being able to say the truth when Beatrice was questioning him.
Pause. He can’t speak, then” “I can’t. I can’t talk about it.”
Unable to be angry with Catherine, as he doesn't want to upset her
He can’t help smiling at the sight of her” – even though he’s angry “Retreating before the threat of her anger” – doesn’t want to upset Catherine
Trying to repossess her with his eyes
“Enveloping her with his eyes”
Eddie's childish behaviour
“I bless you and you don’t talk to me”
Confused with his emotions
He looks at her (Catherine) like a lost boy
Talking to Alfieri, telling him that Rodolfo isn't the guy for Catherine
“The guy ain’t right, Mr. Alfieri.”