Economic, Social, and Political "revolution," 1877 - 1900

Economic, social, and political "revolution," 1877 - 1900

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Growth of top Industries
- Tobacco (cigarettes)- Textiles - Furniture
- People began settling in Piedmont where industry and towns were
Farm Tenancy
- Rent - Sharecropping
- Most common form of tenancy- Wealthy farmer will supply a place to live and supplies to bring in crops - The owner and sharecropper would share the profit of the crop
Furnishing Merchant
- Gave credit to poor farmer until farmer could pay merchant back once profit was made- Charged high interest rates
Crop Lien System
- Furnishing merchant can take whole profit if the poor farmer did not pay him back
Why did the Democratic Party dominate? prt. 1
Poor Political Leadership (7 ways)1-4- Election fraud & using violence and intimidation to keep AA from voting - Corrupt party loyalty - Supported banks high interest rates & refused to regulate the railroads - Refused to reform the tax system that favored the rich
Why did the Democratic Party dominate? prt. 1
Poor Political Leadership (7 ways)5-7- Rejected pleads for social legislation (things that would correct child labor, low wages, long hours in the mill)- Refused request for expansion of public education - Amended the State Constitution in 1875 to circumvent the county commissioner system
Populists Platform
- Tax and election reform- 10 hour workday- 6% limit on loan interest rates - Local control over county government - State support for public education - End to corruption and state government
- A coalition of Republicans and Populist parties who wanted to bring about economic, political, and social reform in NC
White Supremacy
- Democrats launched a political campaign on white supremacy - Social Segration
Segregation Laws
- Jim Crow - Blacks could not mix with white in public facilities
Plessy vs. Ferguson
- U.S. Supreme Court Decision - Segregation was made legal as long as equal facilities were provided for each race
Red Shirts
- Organized group to scare black away from voting
N.C. Suffrage Amendment, 1900
- Passed - Deprived AA from their voting rights that they had gained from Reconstruction