Explain the Theory of Business Cycle Flashcards

Can you explain the theory of business? If you don’t know, these flashcards will be able to explain it. The business cycle is also known as the economic cycle or trade cycle, which is the descending and upward movement of gross domestic product. The length of a business cycle is the period containing a single boom and reduction in succession. Read and study these flashcards to learn more about the theory of business.

68 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Thestudy of aggregate economic behavior is referred to as
Alternating periods of growth and contraction
Business cycles
Which of the following is a basic measure of macroeconomic performance
Output growth unemploymentinflation
Which is of the following is a downturn in the business cycle
Higher unemployment rates
Which of the following is true during the expansionary phase of the business cycle
Real GDP increases
As the economy falls from the peak to the trough of the business cycle
Cyclical unemployment should increase and real GDP should decline
The total value of goods and services produced within a nations boarders measured in constant prices refers to the
Real GDP
A decline in an economy's level of output can lead to
A lower standard of loving
A decline in the real gdp for at least two consecutive quarters is referred to as
Which of the following is likely if an economy is in a recession or headed for 1"?
A decrease in consumer confidencea decrease in the rate of inflationan increase in unemployment
If the population of a country is 1000000 people its labor force consists of 800000 and 80000 people are unemployed the unemployment rate is
unemployment rate
unemployment rate= number of unemployed /size of labor force =80000/80000 = 10%
A stock person who is laid off by a department store because retail stores across the country have decreased is_______________unemployed.
Full employment in the U.S. economy means
The total employment rate has been reduced to zero
Inflation is defined as
An increase in the average level of prices
Inflation functions as a redistribution mechanism because people
Have different abilities and incomes