DSM-IV TR: Study for CA MFT Licensing Exam

I am using these flashcards to study for the CA MFT Licensing Exam in 2011. These flashcards explore mental health disorders and diagnosis, per the DSM-IV TR.

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

Cards In This Set

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Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
- Developmental regression of motor and language skills
- Develops 2 years after normal development
What distinguishes Histrionic Personality Disorder from other Personality Disorders?
- Attention-seeking behaviors
- Excessive emotionality
Difference between Narcissistic and Histrionic Personality Disorders
- Histrionic is more willing to connect with others and has excessive emotionality
- Grandiosity is the main discriminating feature of Narcissistic
Difference between Acute Stress Disorder and PTSD
- Time criteria:
- Acute Stress Disorder is less than 1 month
- PTSD is more than 1 month
Differences between Depressive Disorders
- Major Depressive Disorder is at least 2 weeks of symptoms of Major Depressive Episode
- Dysthymic Disorder is at least 2 years of mild depression
- Depressive Disorder NOS does not meet full criteria but has symptoms of depression
Difference between Factitious Disorder and Conversion Disorder
Factitious Disorder symptoms are intentionally produced but not in Conversion Disorder
Difference between Malingering Disorder and Factitious Disorder
Malingering Disorder has a clear motivator/incentive, but in Factitious Disorder external incentives are absent
Difference between Social Phobia and Panic Disorder
- Social Phobia focuses on fear of social situations that could be humiliating
- Panic Disorder focuses on experience of panic attacks
- May be diagnosed with both
Difference between Child Antisocial Behavior and Oppositional Defiant Disorder
- Child Antisocial Behavior is less than 6 months and ODD is more than 6 months
- Child Antisocial Behavior is a V-Code
Difference between Social Phobia and Avoidant Personality Disorder
- All Avoidant Personality Disorder looks like Social Phobia (and could be diagnosed as that instead) but not all Social Phobia looks like Avoidant Personality Disorder (i.e. not necessarily loners)
- Avoidant Personality Disorder is typically considered to be the more severe and chronic diagnosis of the two
Difference between Schizoid and Avoidant Personality Disorders
Both loners but Avoidant Personality Disorder wants the social life but has fear of rejection, ridicule, etc. while Schizoid Personality Disorder is content to be a loner
Difference between Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Delusional Disorder, Somatic Type
- Body Dysmorphic D/O is preoccupied with an imagined physical defect
-Delusional D/O, Somatic Type, is preoccupied with a false belief/delusion about one's body, which is more intense than an imagined defect
Difference between Schizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders
- Schizoid - isolation and loner
- Schizotypal - isolation and psychotic-like features (i.e. inappropriate affect, odd beliefs, magical thinking, paranoia)
Difference between Psychotic Disorders
- Brief Psychotic Disorder = 1 day to 1 month
- Schizophreniform = 1 month to 6 months
- Schizophrenia = more than 6 months
Difference between Bipolar I and II Disorders
- Bipolar I
- tends to be more severe (i.e. leading to hospitalizations)
- Must have at least 1 Manic or Mixed Episode (1 week)
- May include depressive symptoms/episodes
- Bipolar II
- Must have at least 1 Major Depressive Episode (2 weeks) and 1 Hypomanic Episode (4 days)
- No Manic or Mixed Episodes