Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco

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What are drugs?
Drugs are chemical substances that cause change in a person's physical, psychological, and overall state.
What is a prescription?
Prescriptions are written orders from a doctor for a certain medicine or treatment.
What is over-the-counter (OTC) medicine?
OTC are drugs or medicines that can be bought without a prescription.
What can happen if drugs are mixed together?
It can cause unexpected effects.
What is a drug allergy?
A serious reaction to a medicine.
The misuse of a drug ON PURPOSE is called...
Drug abuse
What is drug dependence?
Its when a person relies on a drug to function properly.
What is withdrawl?
The physical process that occurs when a person who is addicted to drugs stops taking the drug.
If a person who is addicted to drugs, looses their job, what would they do to get money to buy more drugs?
They often steal the money.
If a person has a mental or emotional need for a drug, they are...
Psychologically dependent
What is a stimulant?
Any drug that increases or speeds up the body.
What are two examples of stimulants?
Cocaine and GHB
What does synthetic mean?
To be produced in a laboratory.
What does repeated use of meth do to the body?
It can causes high blood pressure
What is a depressant?
Depressants are drugs that cause the heart rate and breathing to slow down. Or any drug that slows the body.