Dewey Decimal System

Dewey Decimal System-

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is it?
-a systematic and logical way of classifying non-fiction and referance section books in school and public libraries
Who invented it?
-Melvin Dewey in 19th century, an eccentric gentlemen
How it works?
-books dividied into 10 basic sections -further subdivided by tens, and even further using decimals -longer the decimal, the more specific the subject e.g. .03 dict./encl. so 610.3 is dict. med. terms
Call number?
-all numbers on the book spine-before the dec. & after dec. and...the letters following the numbers (1st 3 letters of author's surname)
Where is it used?
-used in the majority of the world's school & public libraries, but not in post-seconondary -post-sec. libraries use the Library of Congress System -614.5 SPU
Cutter number
-numbers & letters after the decimal (six or seven decimal places) -808.8'038
General categories
-000...generalities -100...philosophy -200...religion -300...sociology -400...languages -700...arts (includes sports)/ fine arts & recreation -800...Literature -900...Geography, Biography, and History