The Development of Industrial America

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Inventor. Designed the light bulb and phonograph, in addition to several other inventions. Lost much of his hearing as a child, and subsequently designed machines that relied on sight rather than sound.
Thomas Alva Edison
Head of steel industry. Captain of industry or robber baron? You decide.
Andrew Carnegie
Controlled oil industry through Standard Oil.
John D. Rockefeller
Companies assign stock to a board of trustees, who combine the stocks into a new organization, which they then run, paying the shareholders dividends on profits.
Survival of the fittest.
Social Darwinism
Called on those who accumulated wealth to share their riches for the betterment of society.
Gospel of Wealth
A single corporation that controls an entire industry.
Worker's organization which sought to organize all workers. Sought broad social reforms, such as trancending the wage labor system by granting ownership of factories to the workers. Wanted an eight hour work day. Fell apart after the Haymarket Square Riot.
Knights of Labor
Worker's organization that focused on very specific reforms such as wages, working hours, and working conditions. Led by Samuel Gompers.
American Federation of Labor
Political radicals opposed to any form of government
Immigrant check-in point in New York Harbor. Government clerks asked immigrants a series of questions there and performed medical evaluations. If immigrants were deemed a risk to public health, they would be sent back to Europe.
Ellis Island
Immigrant check-in point in San Francisco Bay. Conditions harsher there than at the other port. Most Asian immigrants disembarked there.
Angel Island
Residential area surrounding the city
Subdivided houses. Crowded and often disease-ridden. Poor sanitation. Often housed twenty families.
Landowners dictate the crop and provide [worker] with a place to live, as well as seeds and tools, in exchange for a share of the harvested crop. [Workers] were often cheated at harvest time.