Describing Translations from the Equation

Looking at the equation of a function and determining how the graph would look

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = f(x) + c?
The graph of f(x) is shifted up c units to get y.
Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = f(x) - c?
The graph of f(x) is shifted down c units to get y.
Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = f(x - c)?
The graph of f(x) is shifted right c units to get y.
Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = f(x + c)?
The graph of f(x) is shifted left c units to get y.
Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = -f(x)?
The graph of f(x) is flipped over the x-axis to get y.
Let c be positive. How is the graph of f(x) translated to get y = f(-x)?
The graph of f(x) is flipped over the y-axis to get y.
Y = (x - 2)2 Describe the translation.
The graph is shifted right 2 units
Y = -x3 + 2. Describe the translation
The graph of x3 is flipped over the x-axis and shifted up 2.
Y = |x + 3| - 5. Describe the translation.
The graph of |x| is shifted left 3 units and down 5 units.
Create an equation for |x| that is turned upside down and shifted up 2
Y = -|x| + 2