Study the Role of Pathogens in Dental Radiography Flashcards

​Learn and study for the Role of Pathogens in Dental Radiography with our flashcards quizzes. The study, learn and revise the Role of Pathogens in Dental Radiography with our quiz based flashcards. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented. ​

63 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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4 conditions that must be present for infection to occur?
Pathogen disease causing microorganism, susceptible host, sufficient # of pathogens, and portal of entry
4 ingredients in the developer?
Developing agent, preserver, activator, and restrainer
4 components of the dental xray film?
Emulsion, film base, adhesive, and protective layer
Whats placed in the film packet to absorb scatter radiation?
Lead foil
This absorbs the long wavelenths, less penetrating xrays of the polychromatic beam occurs through the sheet of aluminum called the what?
What type of an affect is it when the xrays scatter in all directions?
Compton affect
What must be done with semi critical items after use?
Sterilize them
Objects that do not come in contact with the mucus membrane are called what type?
Non critical
4 properties of a lead apron are?
Protection from scatter radiation, fabricated of .25mm of lead or lead equivalent material, cannot be folder, use is in keeping with the ALARA concept
Whats a term used for radiation with great penetrating power?
Hard radiation
3 things are necessary to the technical ability of the operator?
Working knowledge of quality radiographs, communication, and continued education
Electrons have a what charge?
A term for the measurment of the number of electrons moving through a wire conductor?
Explosure to blood that results in punturing the skin barrier is what type of exposure?
Parenterel exposure
The amount or percentage of the film blackinging or darkening is because of what of the bone?