What Were the Amendments in the U.S Constitution Flashcards

What were the amendments to the United States constitution? Have you forgotten since history class? These flashcards can help. There are twenty-seven amendments to the United States constitution. These amendments deal with a variety of rights ranging from freedom of speech to the right to vote. Read and study these flashcards, and you will be well on your way to knowing everything you need to know about our constitutional amendments.

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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Which Amendment covers no excessive bonds and cruel and unusual punishment?
What are the rights of the 4th Amendment?
Search and Seizure (exceptions of probable cause)
Which Amendment covers the rights of speech?
The Amendment that covers due process is the ______.
What are the rights of the 6th Amendment?
Right to a jury trial, speedy public trial, right to council.
The Amendment that covers no self-crimination and double jeopardy is the _____.
When must a suspect be Mirandized?
1. In custody 2. During an interrogation
If evidence is seized illegally, what rule requires it to be thrown out and not used?
Exclusionary Rule
What were the officers in England called?
What are the three eras of policing?
1. Political Era 2. Professional Model Era 3. Community Era
What are the six elements of Professional Model era policing?
1. Politics (force should stay out of it) 2. Trained (members should be well trained, disciplined, and tightly organized 3. Equality (laws should be equally enforced) 4. Technology (force should use it) 5. Merit (personnel procedures should be based on it) 6. Crime-fighting ( main task of policing)
What is the difference between the patronage system and the merited system?
The patronage system is about who you know and who you associate with. The merit system is what you've earned.
What are the three functions of law enforcement?
1. law enforcement 2. order maintenance 3. public service
The police function of providing assistance to the public is called ________.
What are the three styles of policing?
1. watchman style 2. legalistic style 3. service style