Counseling 527 (family) Flashcards

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31 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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With what theoretical approach is the genogram associated?
Bowen family systems therapy
Which theory encourages the therapist to engage in "coaching?"
Bowen family systems therapy
True or false: Bowenian therapists employ "process questions" to help clients think about their role in interpersonal conflicts.
According to Bowen, what are the results of insufficient differentiation in one's family of origin?
Emotional cutoff from parents
AND fusion in marriage
True or false: Bowen theorized that the least differentiated individual in a family system will be the most likely to absorb anxiety & develop symptoms.
A therapist who takes an "I-position" is probably a follower of (pick one): a) Jay Haley b) Michael White c) Murray Bowen d) Virginia Satir
C) Murray Bowen
With which theory are Betty Carter, Philip Guerin, Thomas Fogarty, and Michael Kerr affiliated?
Bowen family systems therapy
In Bowen family systems therapy, what emotion (or emotions) leads to triangulation?
Anxiety, which in turn leads to a need for distance (or closeness)
Who defines fusion as "an excess of emotional reactivity?"
The phrase "relationship experiment" is a) associated with which theory, and b) refers to what technique?
A) Bowen b) the technique of
The concepts of first- and second-order change are associated with which theoretical approach?
Strategic family therapy
True or false: a positive feedback loop is a response to a problematic behavior that actually worsens that behavior.
Which strategic therapist divided therapy into four stages--the social stage, problem stage, interaction stage, and goal-setting stage?
Jay Haley
Cleo Madanes made extensive use of which of the following strategies? a) pretend techniques b) schemas c) scaling questions d) family sculpting
A) pretend techniques (e.g., asking a symptomatic child to pretend to have his/her symptom & encouraging parents to pretend to help)
The technique of reframing, or substituting a positive interpretation for a negative one, is associated with which of the three schools of strategic family therapy?
The MRI group