Cosmetology Exam Review Haircutting Flashcards

Here is the list of Questions based on Cosmetology Exam Review Haircutting Flashcards. Learn and memorize these facts and answers related to Cosmetology Exam Review Haircutting with these simple and fun-based Flashcards. ​

18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 193

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In haircutting procedures, reference points are used to establish
Design liines
The reference point that signals a change in head shape from flat to round or vice versa is the
Four corners
A thin continuous mark that is used throughout a haircut is called a
The straight lines used to build weight or create a one-length or low elevation haircut are
Horizontal lines
The striaght line used to remove weight or create graduated layer are
The haircutting technique using diagonal lines to create fullness and blend long layers into short layers is
A haircutting tool used for detailing and texturizing or an entire haircut is the
Straight razor
In cutting uniform or increasing layers, the hand position most often used in cutting is
Over the fingers
The technique of cutting below the fingers or inside the knuckles using a horizontal cutting line creates
A heavier graduated haircut or a one length bob
A haircutting technique that maintains control of a subsection with regard to elevations and overdirections is
Cutting palm to palm
In general a razor should not be used on curly hair as it will
Weaken the cuticle and cause the hair to frizz
The scissor over comb technique uses the comb to hold the hair in place and allows cutting from
Extremely short to longer lengths
When performing the notching technique of texturizing with shears, the tips of the shears should be held
2 inches from the ends
The slicing technique removes bulk and adds
Movement through the lengths of the hair
When performing the slicing technique on the surface of the haircut, it is best to work on
Dry hair