Cosmetology Exam Practice Flashcards

Prepare for the Cosmetology Exam in a brief manner with these flashcards and revise the concepts related to it. Learn the important terms, definitions, and much more briefly with these flashcards quizzes. Be prepared for the Cosmetology Exam and master this topic with ease and fun by attempting Flashcards quizzes.

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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One-celled microorganisms with both plant and animal characteristics are known as: fungi cilia bacteria viruses
A type of pathogenic bacteria is the: saprophyte parasite virus cilia
Harmful bacteria are referred to as nonpathogenic saprophytes protozoa pathogenic
A type of bacteria that lives on dead matter is: saprophytes flagella viruses parasites
Syphilis and lyme disease are caused by cocci spirilla diplococci bacilli
Pathogenic bacteria produce health beneficial effects disease antitoxins
Bacteria cells reproduce by simply dividing into two new cells in a process called mitosis motility vegitative stage the spore-forming stage
During their inactive stage, certain bacteria, such as the anthrax and tenanus bacilli, form flagella spores daughter cells toxins
A communicable disease is: -not transferred from one person to another -prevented by vaccination -transmitted from one person to another -caused by nonpathogenic bacteria
Transmitted from one person to another
A general invection, such as__, affects the whole body -a skin lesion -syphilis -a pimple -an epidemic
Pus is a sign of -epidemic -acquired immunity -natural immunity -infection
Viruses cause -tuberculosis and tetanus -strep throat and blood poisoning -abscesses and boils -measles and hepatitis
Measles and hepatitis
Hepatitis is a disease marked by inflammation of the: -stomach -kidneys -heart -liver
In a cosmetology school or a salon, clients with contagious diseases and conditions should be -diagnosed and treated -sanitized and disinfected -referred to a physician -given medications
Referred to a physician
Disinfectants should never be used on human skin, hair or nails because -they arent strong enough -they may be drying -damage can result -may stain skin
Damage can result