
These flashcards should help you understand the basic ideas behind constructivism.  The people who created this theory will also be identified.

10 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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Learning is active not passive
Piaget's mechanism for fitting a new experience into an existing mental structure
Piaget's mechanism for revising an existing schema because of new experiences
Piaget's mechanism for cognitive stability through assimilation and accommodation
Most important contributor to the constructivism theory
Jerome Bruner
The first contributor to the Constructivism theory in ancient times.
A Russian psychologist and philosopher in the 1930's, is most often associated with the social constructivist theory
Lev Vygotsky
A Swiss psychologist who began to study human development in the 1920's.
Jean Piaget
Learning is an active, social progress in which students construct new ideas or concepts based on current knowledge
Discovery Learning Theory
This theory/pedagogy argues that people produce knowledge and form meaning based upon their experiences.
Constructivist Learning Theory