Consolidated Democracies: Britain

Chapter 2 in Kesselman

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England as an island was very important—helped it to not be invaded (1588 invasion of the Spanish Armada unsuccessful).
King Henry VIII
Split from the Catholic Church—developed the Anglican Church which was more powerful
1215-1700 changes in Britain
Was a feudal society. 1215 society starts to limit the power of the crown when King John signs the Magna Carta. A few years later Parliament was created. In the 1200s it was just a group of aristocrats (not elected) meeting to protect their interests
Magna Carta
The king must consult the nobles when levying taxes. He may not arbitrarily arrest nobles or seize their property.
King James forced to agree to the supremacy of Parliament over the monarch
England during the 1600s
Becomes the United Kingdom (of Wales, Scotland, & Northern Ireland)
The effects of industrialization
class system changes from a feudal structureàserfs become workers in cities, and a middle class is created, as are upper industrialists. Workers are now able to read and write, and industrialists demand a voice in government. The factories demanded access to raw materials (cotton, technology, workers) so they colonized India, U.S., Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Africa, Caribbean, etc.
England as a world power started to decline, had lost a large number of soldiers while the U.S. and USSR gained power
1945-75 (after WWII)
The state expanded to combat poverty through welfare—education/national healthcare—provides free care for most people, money was given to the unemployed and ill. Basic services were nationalized (railways, steel) and for a long time the economy grew.
Margaret Thatcher
became prime minister in 1979 (Conservative)—said the government is too big, too many government-owned enterprises, special interests (labor unions) have too much power (neoliberalism, U.S. Republican party ideals), thought private business would be more competitive.
Negative effects of Thatcherism
she did not meet the needs of the under class and homelessness grew. “Britain became a less caring society.”
Parliamentary system
No separate election for Prime Minister, is a person elected from the majority party. Vote of no confidence. Easy to pass legislation. No written ConstitutionProblem of minorities getting into office, the winner takes all.
Constitutional monarchy
the monarch has symbolic power, the prime minister is the political leader
Unitary state
doesn’t have a division of powers (as in the U.S.), most of the significant power is concentrated in the federal government and local power is weak
Fusion of the executive/legislature
members of the executive (prime minister and the p.m. senior government ministers) are also members of Parliament