Computer Science Illuminated Chapter 13 Key Terms Flashcards

Study about Computer Science Illuminated Chapter 13 Key Terms with Flashcards. We explained easily about the Computer Science Illuminated Chapter 13 Key Terms in our Flashcards. Any computer student can learn, study & revise their Basic with our prepared Flashcards.

26 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)
The study of computer systems that model and apply the intelligence of the human mind
Artificial Neural Network
A computer representation of knowledge that attempts to mimic the neural networks of the human body
Breadth-first Approach
Searching across levels of a tree prior to searching down specific paths
A program designed to carry on a conversation with a human user
Depth-first Approach
Searching down the paths of a tree prior to searching across levels
Effective Weight
In an artificial neuron, the sum of the weights multiplied by the corresponding input values
Expert System
A software system based on the knowledge of human experts
Inference Engine
The software that processes rules to draw conclusions
Lexical Ambiguity
The ambiguity created when words have multiple meanings
Loebner Prize
The first formal instantiation of the Turing test, held annually
Natural Language
Languages that humans use to communicate, such as English
Natural Language Comprehension
Using a computer to apply a meaningful interpretation to human communication
The set of fundamental sounds made in any given natural language
Referential Ambiguity
The ambiguity created when pronouns could be applied to multiple objects
Rule-based System
A software system based on a set of if-then rules