Comparative Anatomy of Blood Vessels

Overview of arteries, capillaries and veins

29 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Simplest circulatory route
From heart to arteries to arterioles to capillaries to venules to veins and back to heart
Portal system
When blood flows through two seperate capillary networks before returning to the heart
The joining of two or more blood vessels in the same body region
Allows blood to flow from artery to vein
Location of shunts
In ears, toes and fingers
-prone to frostbite when exposed to extreme cold
Arterial anastomoses
Provides different routes for blood to reach capillaries
Venous anastomoses
Provides different routes for blood to drain from organs
Carry blood away from the heart
-because they carry oxygen rich blood they are red
3 layers of artery
-tunica externa: composed of loose CT

-tunica media: composed of smooth muscle, elastic fibers, and collagen fibers

-----innervation: sympathetic motor nerves stimulate smooth muscle

-tunica intima: lining of squamous endothelium attached to basement membrane underlying fibrous CT
Arteries are classified according to:
Sizes of arteries
-conducting (elastic) arteries: are large and tunica media contains numerous elastic fibers (pulmonary trunk and aorta) *Help pump blood through systemic circulation while ventricles are relaxed

-distributing (muscular) arteries: are smaller than conducting arteries and have more smooth muscle (brachial and femoral artery) *Adjust rate of blood flow

-resistance (small) arteries: contain arterioles
*metarterioles are short vessels that link arterioles to capillary networks
Smooth surface of endothelium...
Inhibits coagulation
Intracellular clefts between endothelial cells...
Allow substances to freely move in and out of blood
Endothelial cells...
Can replace damaged cells and also provide cells that will contribute to new blood vessels
Microscopic blood vessels where gases, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged between blood and tissue cells