Comp 5 Set 2 Infection Control 1 (done)

Comp 5 set 2, infection control 1

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Hepatic whilow is an infection of the
Finger with herpes simplex virus type 1 or 2
Which patients are at risk for harboring herpetic whitlow?
Pts suffering from other infections, immunosuppression, cancer, malnutrition
Viral dna has been identified in the
Smoke plume generated during laser tx of condyloma
Precautims against viral dna
Gloves, smoke evacuators, high efficiency masks
Rates of serum conversion from needle sticks are from
Serum conversion depends on which factors?
Infectivity of organism, stage of pts disease(extent of viremia), size of inoculum, immune status of health care provider
_________ is the most common cause of nonalcoholic cirhossis in US
Hepatitis c
The risk of acquiring HIV following a single needle-stick contaminated HIV is
Which type of herpes related virus is most associated with mortality and morbidity?
Defness, mental retardation; low morbidity in adults, serious sequale in pregnant women, standard precautions suff
Cytomagalovirus (CMV)
Enacts health standards
Establish health standards, educate, conduct fund research
Hazards of trace gas
Spontaneous abortion, congenital defects, decrease fecundability, cancer (cervical, lymp, leukemia) for women (men ok)
3 common chemical hazards
Methylmethacrylate, halothane, latex
Can cause genitorurinary comp, cutaneous, respiratory, or allergic sensitizer