Community Psychology-ch. 11 Empowerment

Citizen participantion and empowerment

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Elements of psychological empowerment
- Involves development of critical awareness about society and one’s community - Learning to see social regularities is the first step toward critical awareness and empowerment - Perceptions of influence over community problems are an important component of psychological empowerment
Difference between citizen participation and empowerment
Citizen participation is a specific strategy or behaviour while empowerment is a broader process
Power over
Capacity to compel or dominate others often through control of valued rewards or punishment
Power to
Concerns the ability of individuals or groups to pursue their own goals and develop ones capacities
Power from
Ability to resist the power or unwanted demands of others
Integrative power
Capacity to work together, build groups, bind people together and inspire loyalty
aka people power
some of the most remarkable forms of this have been based on moral or spiritual principals
The three instruments of social power
-controlling resources that can be used to bargin, reward or punish
-controlling channels for participation in community decisions often usingexpert power
-shaping the definition of a public issue or conflict
Critical awarness emerges from what three sources
1. life experiences with injustices
2. reflection on those experiences and lessons learned
3. dialogue with others
Boundary spanning
Relationships that connect groups within an organization, helping each understand the other and building capacity for collaboration