Can You Define the Following Terms of Symbolic Communication Flashcards

Can you define the subsequent terms of symbolic communication? These flashcards can help. Symbolic communication is the exchange of messages that change the expectation of events. Symbolic communications are the things we have in place, which can represent something associated with a person, place, or object. For example, we associate the American flag with truth, justice, and freedom. Read and study these flashcards, and the importance of symbolic communication will become apparent to you.

24 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A process in which people generate meaning through the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages
Human Communication
The building blocks of communication events
Something that represents something else and conveys meaning
Signs that represent a thing itself and always bear some resemblance to the object to which they refer
Iconic Signs
Indexical Signs
Signs that reveal something beyond the thing itself
The concrete meaning of the message and the meanings suggested by or associated with the message and the emotions triggered by it
Content Meaning
What a message conveys about the relationship between the parties
Relationship Meaning
The physical surroundings of a communication event
Th people interacting during communication
Transmitting ideas and emotions via signs and symbols
Message Creation
Taking ideas and converting them into messages
Receiving a message and interpreting its meaning
The means through which a message is transmitted
Any stimulus that can interfere with, or degrade, the quality of a message
The response to a message