Common Questions and Rebuttals for Print Audit Embedded

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How would Print Audit Embedded help my company save money?
Eliminate wasted pages left at the printer.Track and prevent users from using specific functions.Avoid fines for non-compliance with federal regulations of confidential information.
What are some technical advantages to using Print Audit Embedded?
Authenticate users directly from the copier's panel.Seamless integration with desktop version of Print Audit 6.No need for additional hardware or wiring on the devices.
What is Print Audit Embedded?
Print Audit® Embedded is a complete document tracking, chargeback, secure release and pull printing solution that eliminates the need for external hardware.
We don't handle any confidential data.
"That's fine. We have some clients who are in the same boat, and they really utilize Print Audit 6 Embedded for the tracking capability so they can bill back their clients/ departments."
We MUST have our documents be secure since they are all confidential.
"Absolutely! The penalties for being out of compliance can be detrimental. Luckily, Print Audit 6 Embedded follows HIPPA and SOX standards so that you can ensure that your users are compliant."