Comm 425


126 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Samuel F. B. Morse (1791-1872)
Developed the electromagnetic telegraph and Morse Code. First message telegraphed from Washinton to Baltimore in 1844.
What were the six phases in radio�s development?
1. scientific achievements/rise of comm giants 2. Radio stations 3. Radio financing 4. formation of networks 5. radio programming 6. regulation of radio broadcasting
Who really invented radio?
Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
The "Wizard of Menlo Park" patented over 1,000 inventions, including the phonograph, the kinetography (a motion picture camera) and the kinetoscope (a motion picture viewer).
Alexander Graham Bell
Inventor of the telephone in 1875 and co-founded Bell Telephone Co. in 1877
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894)
German physicist who in 1887 discovered the first known electromagnetic waves other than visible light. The first to demonstrate experimentally the production and detection of Clerk Maxwell's waves. This discovery led directly to radio, television, and radar.
Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937)
Italian physicist and radio inventor. In 1896 he put together all the elements for the first wireless radio transmission. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for physics in 1909.
Reginald Fessenden (1866-1932)
Canadian radio engineer and inventor who was the first to transmit the human voice via wireless on Christmas Eve, 1906. He developed the theory of the �continuous wave.�
Lee DeForest (1873-1961)
Inventor of the audion tube which gave him the title of �the father of radio.�
Edwin Howard Armstrong (1890-1954)
Electrical engineer who invented FM (frequency modulation) radio.
How and why did the Radio Corporation of America develop?
To get rid of the Marconi Company (Great Britain), which controlled radio communication.
Of all the Corporations within RCA, which had the most power?
What was the first program broadcast on radio?
In 1909, in San Jose Californiia, Charles "Doc" Herrold from 1912 - 1917 he provided music, news, and talk on a regular basis on KQW, now KCBS - San Francisco.
What type of programs were eventually offered?
Sports, politics, music, etc.
How did the networks develop?
Through a series of negotiations, representatives of the radio & telephone groups reached an agreement.