Comm 101 - Midterm Exam Review- Chapter 15

Gmu midterm comm 101

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Group task roles
Help the group focus achieving its goals.
Group task roles- The information seeker or giver or the opinion seeker or giver
Asks for or gives facts or opinions, seeks clarification of issues being discussed, and presents facts or opinions to group members: "Sales for May were up 10 percent. Do we have sales figures for June?"
Group task roles- The initiator- contributor
Presents new ideas or new perspectives on old ideas, suggests new goals, or purposes new procedures or organizational strategies. "We need to also look at the amount of time visitors spend on our new site."

Group Task roles- The elaborator
Gives and tries to work out possible solutions, trying to build on what others have said. "That three- part division worked at ABC and should work here as well."
Group Task roles- The evaluator critic
Evaluates the group's decisions, questions the logic or practicality of the suggestions, and provides the group with both positive and negative feedback: "That's a great idea, but it sounds expensive."
Group Task roles- The procedural technician or recorder
Takes care of various mechanical duties, such as distributing group materials and arranging the seating; writing down the group's activities, suggestions, and decisions. "We have another meeting scheduled..."
Group Building and Maintenance Roles
Focus on satisfying the varied interpersonal relationships
Group Building and Maintenance Roles- The encourager or harmonizer
Provides members with positive reinforcement through social approval or praise for their ideas and mediates the various differences between group member: "Pat, another great idea."
Group Building and Maintenance Roles- The Compromiser
Tries to resolve conflict between his or her ideas and those of others and offers compromises: "This looks like it could work if each department cut back 10%")
Group Building and Maintenance Roles- The gatekeeper- expediter
Keeps the channels of communication open by reinforcing the efforts of others. "Those were really good ideas; we're on a roll."
Group Building and Maintenance Roles- The standard setter
Proposes standards for the functions of the group or for its solutions. "We need to be able to increase the number of visits by several thousands a day."
Group Building and Maintenance Roles- The Follower
Goes along with members, passively accepts the ideas of others, and functions more as an audience than as an active member: "If you all agree, that's fine with me."
Individual Roles
Are counterproductive; hinder the group from achieving its goal; are individual oriented
Individual Roles- The aggressor
Expresses the negative evaluation of members and attacks the group:"That's a bad idea. It makes no sense."
Individual Roles- The recognition seeker and self-confessors
Tries to focus attention on themselves, brag about their achievements rather than the task at hand: "The system I devised at B&B was a great success; everyone loved it. We should do that!"