Comm 101 - Midterm Exam Review- Chapter 14

Gmu comm 101 midterm

9 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Small group
Is a (1) collective group of individuals of 3-12 people who (2) are connected to one another bu some common purpose, (3) are interdependent, (4) have some degree of organization among the, and (5) see themselves as a group.
Can be defined as a small group (1) constructed for a specific task, (2) whose members have clearly defined roles and (3) are committed to achieving the same goal, and (4) which is content focused.
Group norms
Are rules or standards identifying which behaviors are considered appropriate (such as being willing to take on added tasks or directing conflict toward issues rather than toward people) and which are considered inappropriate (such as arriving late or failing to contribute actively).
Brainstorming groups
Analyzing a problem by generating as many ideas as possible (freewheeling for example) and later evaluating them (crossing out the inadequate ideas).
Information Sharing Groups
Acquiring new skills and information by sharing knowledge. Include educational or learning groups, and focus groups (a small group that is assembled and subjected to a kind of in-depth interview, often for market research)
Problem Solving groups
Meets to solve a particular problem or to reach a decision on some issue. Includes a problem- solving sequence
Three types of groups
Brainstorming groups, information-sharing groups, and problem-solving groups
Problem- solving sequence
1. Define and Analyze the Problem (How can we improve the website?)2. Establish Criteria for Evaluating Solutions (must not violate anyones right's per say)3. Identify Possible Solutions (focus on quantity rather than quality)4. Evaluate Solutions (Would it increase budget?)5. Select the best Solution (Decision by authority, Consensus,Majority Rule)6. Test Selected Solutions (poll and surveys)
Agreement does not have to be unanimous but has to be something group members can live with. It also implies that all members of the group had their say and that their opinions were carefully considered- most time-consuming of the decision-making methods.