Flashcards on Cold War Conflicts

How Well Do You Know About Cold War Conflicts? Answer these quiz-based flashcards based on the Cold War Conflicts and check your knowledge. This flashcard is simple and easy to use and is more fun-oriented.  

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The Cold War
What was it? Cause?
The Soviet Union, Communist, and US, Democratic were competing with their spheres of influence, using military coalitions, espionage, weapons development, invasions, propaganda, and competitive technological development.
Who was harry S. Truman?
The president after Roosevelt, and before Eisenhower. He was president in the early years of the Cold War. Made the Truman Doctrine, to contain Soviet Union's Communism.
Who was Joseph Stalin?
He launched the Cold War, installing Communist governments over the east side of the "Iron Curtain".
How did the Cold War effect the United Nations?
Countries started to try and use the UN to appeal their spheres of influences. The Cold War made it difficult for the UN to settle arguments and make peace agreements.
What were the satellite nations?
These were the countries that were under the control of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
What was the Potsdam conference?
It was one of the Post-WWII conferences. It was where Stalin promised Truman he would start free-elections, rather than communist dictatorships, but he broke his promise and banned democratic governments in the soviet Union.
What was the "Iron Curtain"?
This defined the physical and ideological boundary that seemed to split up Europe into two parts: The eastern, communist sector, and the western, democratic sector.
What was the Truman Doctrine? What were the first two countries the US assisted under this policy?
It was the policy to support free people resisting take-over. Greece and Turkey were helped by the US when the Soviet Union tried to take it over.
What was the Marshall Plan? Who established it?
This was the policy to provide aid to all European countries in need of it in case of Soviet take-over. George Marshall suggested it.
George Kennan
This Us diplomat's writing inspired the Truman Doctrine and he came up with the policy of Containment.
The policy of taking measures to prevent communist extension to more countries.
Berlin Airlift. its effects?
Stalin blockaded Berlin so resources could not get in. To counter this, the US and Britain flew in food and supplies. This helped Berlin survive. This led to it being split up into West and East berlin.
NATO? Why was it made? What does it stand for?
North Atlantic Treaty Organization. West European nations, the US, and Canada established it to counter Soviet agression. It pledged assistance to any members of it that were attacked.
Chiang Kai-Shek
He was the leader of the Chinese Nationalist party. The US supported him because he wasn't communist. Though his government was immoral, the US supported him for this reason.
Mao Zedong? How did people think of him?
Led the Chinese communist party. He gained a better part of peoples support. By 1945, most of Northern China was communist.