Cognitive Development Stages


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Is refers to the process by which elements in the evironment are formed to origanize in the child's mind to store ideas about things.learning that takes place as a normal part of cognitive development.
To modify conceptions and alter their responses to things.
The reconition that certain properties of objects( such as numbers,weight, or volume) remain unchanged despite transformation in the objects superficial appearance.
Sensorimotor stage
The 1 of Piaget's stages og cognitive development,which extends typically from 0-2 yr.During this period infants understand the world through their senses and motor actions they are capable of performing on objects in their environment. The period ends when infants become capable of symbolic or reprentational thought.
Obeject permanence
In Piaget's theory, te understanding,developed gradually by the child between 6-18 months old.that objects continue to exist even when they are not phtsically present also known as ( object concept)
Peopertional stage
Piaget's 2nd stage of congnitive development,which usually spans the ages from 2 - 7.During this period,children ecome capable of representational thought,which is exemplified in their ability to use language and engage in symbolic play.
In Piaget's theory, a lack of differentiation between some aspect of self-other relations.During the preoperational stage,egocentrism is exemplified by the young child's inabliity to understand the point of veiw of others or to corrdinate their views with hi/her own.
Concrete operational stage
In Piaget's theory, the stage of cognitive development that begains between the ages of 5-7 and is characterized by logical,organized pattern of cognitive skills taht can be used to solve problems involving concrete objects and experiences. These skills include classification,seriation,decentration,and reversibility of thought.
Formal operational stage/thought
Piaget's 4th and final stage of cognitive development.Characterized by abstract and hypothetical thought,for some persons this stage may begin in early adolescence but for many persons it may never be reached at all.