State a Short Answer for the Following Coal and Petroleum Flashcards

Can you state a short answer for the following coal and petroleum flashcards? Coal and petroleum are formed as a result of degradation of ancient plant life, which lived millions of years ago. Those dead plant matter began to pile up, and it eventually formed a substance called peat. Over time, it transformed into coal. Read and study these flashcards and become an expert on coal and petroleum.

25 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Explain why fossil fuels are exhaustible natural resources
It is because fossil fuel can be used completely and do not last has a limited quantity in nature and can be used by human activities
Describe how coal was formed.what is this process called
Coal is formed by the decomposition of large plants and trees buried under the earth about 300 million years ago.this process is called carbonisation
What happens when coal is heated in air ?state one use of coal
It produces carbon dioxide gas and heat energy.

1. It is used as a fuel in homes and industry
2. It is used as a fuel at thermal power plant to generate electricity
3. It is used to make coal gas which is an important industrial fuel
4. It is used to make coke
5. It was used to run steam engines
6. It is used as a source of organic chemicals
State the uses of coke
It is used in the manufacture of is also used as a fuel because it produces more heat and no smoke
What are the constituents of coal gas?state one use of coal gas
It is a mixture of methane, hydrogen with some carbon is used as a fuel in industries.
What are the major products of petroleum refining?give one use of each petroleum product
Petroleum gas it is used as a fuel in the form of LPG

petrol it is used as a fuel in light motor vehicles

kerosene it is used as a fuel in wick stove
What are the advantages of using natural gas as a fuel
It is a good fuel because it burns easily and produces a lot of burns with a smokeless flame and cause no air pollution

it is a complete fuel in itself and can be used directly for heating purposes in home and industry

it can be supplied to homes and factories through underground pipes thus eliminates additional storage and transport
State the various uses of natural gas
It is used as a domestic and industrial fuel

it is used as a fuel in thermal power station for generating electricity

it is being used as fuel in transport vehicles because it is a cheaper fuel and does not cause air pollution

it is used as a source of hydrogen gas needed to manufacture fertlisers

it is used as a starting material to manufacture chemicals
What is CNG?state its one use
The natural gas when compressed by applying pressure is called compressed natural gas

it is used as a domestic and industrial fuel
Where is natural gas found?why is it called clean fuel?
It is found deep under the crust of the earth alongwith oil above petroleum is called clean fuel because it burns without producing smoke and does not cause pollution
What are the advantages of using LPG as fuel
It burns easily

it has high calorific value

it burns with a smokeless flame and hence cause no pollution

it does not produce any poisonous gases on burning

it does not leave any residue behind
Name any five useful substances which are manufactured from petrochemicals
Which material is called black gold?why?
Petroleum is called the black gold because of its commercial importance and it provides raw materials(petrochemical) to manufacture large number of useful substances eg drugs,dyes etc
Where and when was the worlds first oil well drilled
It was drilled in pennsylvania in USA
Where and when was oil first struck in india
It was struck in makum in assam