NASM Client Fitness Assessment Flashcards

What do you know about NASM client fitness assessments? A lot has to go into the evaluation. Subjective information is obtained from a prospective client to give personal history. The client’s health history is a wide array of information, usually part of medical or physical history. A client’s common movement patterns need to be taken into consideration. Read and study these flashcards to learn and understand NASM client fitness assessment.

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Personal Trainers screen clients for exercise limitations, design individualized exercise programs, and act as coaches, but they do NOT
1. Diagnose Medical Conditions 2. Prescribe Treatment
3. Prescribe Diets 4. Provide Treatment
5. Provide Rehabilitation 6. Provide Counseling
In an Assessment, occupational, lifestyle, medical and personal information are examples of
Subjective Information
Physiologic Assessments, Body Composition Testing, Cardio Assessments, Static and Dynamic Postural Assessments, and Performance Assessments are examples of
Objective Information
Under General History, questions about Occupation would include
1. Does the person sit for long periods of time
2. Does he or she perform repetitive movements
3. Does the individual wear dress shoes
4. Is he or she under mental stress
Questions about Recreation and Hobbies are considered
Lifestyle Questions
An individual performs the Three Minute Step Test with results that are Average, therefore he should train cardiovascularly by keeping his heart rate
Between 80 and 85 percent of Maximum
An individual performs the Three Minute Step Test with results that are Poor, therefore he should keep his heart rate
Between 65 and 75 percent of maximum during training.
If an individual performs the Three Minute Step Test with results that are Good, He should keep his heart rate
Between 86 and 90 percent of Maximum during training
Waist measurement divided by Hip measurement
Formula for determining Waist to Hip Ratio
A BMI score indicating Mild Obesity includes a range of
25 to 30
A BMI score indicating Moderate Obesity includes a range of
30 to 35
A BMI score indicating Severe Obesity includes a range of
Anything over 35
The alignment and function of all components of the kinetic chain at any given moment
The alignment of the musculoskeletal system that allows our center of gravity to be maintained over our base of support
Structural Efficiency
The ability of the Neuromuscular System to monitor and manipulate movement during functional tasks using the least amount of energy and creating the least amount of strain on the kinetic chain
Functional Efficiency