
The study of "Matter" (stuff)

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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What is Matter and what is it composed of?
Matter is what the Universe is made up of (stuff used to make anything). It is composed of Elements.
What are the 3 states of Matter?
GAS where atoms move freely. LIQUID where atoms have less movement. SOLID atoms have very little movement.
What is Energy?
The ability to put matter into motion or 'do work'.
Forms of energy?
(Kinetic - energy in action).(Potential - inactive or stored energy).Chemical - potential energy becomes kinetic energy (nutircian absorbed thru digestion becoming "fuel to run" the body).Electrical - movements of charged particles called "ions".Mechanical - physically moving matter (riding a bike needs us to move the pedals to move the bike).Radiant - electromagnetic spectrum (xrays, infarred/heat, light, radio or ultraviolet).
What are the four elements that make up 96% of the human body?Where do you find the symbols?
Answer 5
O, C, H, N.On the periodic table.
What are the first 20 elements on the periodic table?
Answer 6
What are 'Atoms' and what are they composed of?
Answer 7
Atoms are the building blocks of Matter.They are composed of 3 main 'subatomic' particles
What is a molecule?
Answer 8
Is when 2 or more Atoms bond together, forming a molecule.
What are 2 types of chemical bonds?
Answer 9
Covalent bonds - share electrons.Ionic bonds - electrons are transferred (given away or taken).
What are 3 types of covalent bonds?
Answer 10
Polar - electrons are not shared evenly.Non Polar - electrons are shared evenly.Hydrogen bond - Bridge formed between H2O molecules, proteins and DNA.
How do Atoms bond?
Answer 11
With their outer most shell called the 'Valence shell'.
What is an 'Anion'?What is a 'Cation'?
Answer 12
What is an 'Acid'?What is a 'Base'?
Answer 13
Compound that increases in Hydrogen ions when dessolved in water.Compound that increases Hydroxide ions when dessolved in water.
What is a PH scale?
Answer 14
Measures Hydrogen ions in a solution.
What is an 'organic molecule'?
Organic molecules are the molecules that are built around chains of carbon atoms. There are four main groups of organic molecules that combine to build cells and their parts: carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.