Chemical Dependency Counseling Flashcards

Here are the flashcards quiz based on Chemical Dependency Counseling in the form of quiz and much more related to the basics of Chemical Dependency Counseling. Attempt these flashcards quizzes and check your knowledge.  

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Sigmund Freud
Psychoanalytic Theory: Resolving unconscious conflicts from the past. Behavior is determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivation, and biological and instinctive drives
Freud's Defense Mechanisms
Denial: Pretending something isn't true.Repression:Involuntary removal of threatening thoughts, buried in our unconscious minds.Projecting: Attributing to another what you are experiencing.Rationalizing: Making excuses for unacceptable behavior.Minizing: Unconsciously making problem seem less severe than they are. Compensation: Developing positive traits to mask weaknesses and mistakes.
Freud's Three Forces
Id: Operates on the pleasure principle, whose goal is to gain pleasure and avoid pain.Ego: Operates on the reality principle, the realistic and logical part of the personality, takes care of id impulses without harming the superego.Superego: The conscience, a person’s moral code.
Techniques utilized in psychoanalytic therapy
Free-Association. State aloud the first words that come to mind. This comes directly from the unconscious and is useful material for interpretation. Dream interpretation. The analyst listens and uncovers unconscious material in dreams.Transference. The patient unconsciously responds to the analyst, as if he/she were a significant other from his/her past, often a parental figure. Countertransference: Negative feelings that are stirred up in the analyst as he/she interacts with the patient based on the therapists past experiences.
Adlerian Therapy
Assists cients in discovering how issues from their past continue to influence them and to help them resolve issues from their past (insight oriented therapy).
Adlerian therapy: Techniques
~Build relationships to establish an egalitarian relationship and to work on agreed-upon goals. ~Explore mistaken goals and faulty assumptions. ~Help clients develop their social interests and goals ~Do a comprehensive assessment of the client’s functioning. ~Explore sibling order and impact of sibling order on current behavior. ~Help clients achieve the five life tasks
Adler: Five Life Tasks
~Relating to others (friendship) ~Making a contribution (work) ~Achieving intimacy (love and family relationships) ~Getting along with ourselves (self acceptance) ~Developing our spiritual dimension (meaning connectedness, relationship with the universe)