RIC Lamontagne General Organic & Biochemistry II Exam 3 Flashcards

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73 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Glucorticoid hormones
*synthesized in adrenal cortex
*regulate metabolism of carbohydrates
*decrease inflammation
*involved in reaction to stress
Answer 2
In plant & animal membranes
Complex lipids that contain a carbohydrate (either glucose or galactose)

*sphingosine backbone, glucose/galactose, fatty acid
Found in myelin
*sphingosine backbone, PO4, choline
Phosphatidic acid
Answer 5
The fatty acid on C-2 is always unsaturated
Answer 6
See image
Answer 7
* most abundant steroid in the human body
* component of plasma membrane in all animal cells
* precursor of all steroid hormones & bile salts
* lowers melting point
Cholesterol transport from liver
*transport of cholesterol from liver starts w/VLDL
*VLDL carried in serum
*as fat is removed, density increases, becomes LDL - stays in plasma for about 2.5 days
*LDL carries cholesterol into cells where specific LDL receptors bind
*after binding, LDL is taken into cells where enzymes liberate free cholesterol and cholesteryl esters
Bile salts
*oxidation product of cholesterol
*synthesized in liver, stored in gallbladder
*secreted into intestine where they emulisfy dietary fats and aid in their absorption and digestion
*glycocholate & taurocholate
Male sex hormones, synthesized in testes
Answer 11
*family of compounds that have the 20 carbon skeleton of prostanoic acid (kite w/2 tails)
*not stored in tissues, synthesized from member-bound 20 carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids in response to specific physiological triggers (injury - inflammation response)
COX-1 enzyme
Catalyzes normal physiological production of prostaglandins
COX-2 enzyme
Answer 13
*production of prostaglandins in inflammation
*when a tissue is injured/damaged, special inflammatory cells invade and interact with regular cells
Answer 14
*derived from arachiodonic acid
*thromboxane A2 induces platelet aggregation and vasoconstriction
*aspirin & other NSAIDs inhibit synthesis of thomboxanes by inhibiting COX enzyme
-derived from arachiodonic acid
-occur mainly in leukocytes
-produce muscle contractions, especially in lungs - can cause asthma-like attacks
- 100x more potent than histamine
- several recently developed anti-asthma drugs inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes