Chapters 5,6,7,9 Sociology

These are for daina k

52 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Internal Social Control
Takes place though the social process individuals internalize societal norms a values that presribe how people behave and then follow those norms and values in their everyday lives
External Control
Socail control involes the use of negaitave sansction that prescribe certain behaviors and set forth the punshments for rule brakers and non conformists
Is rotted in societal factors such as rapid social change and lack of social intergration among people
Strain theroy
pople feel strain when they are exposed to culture goal is that they are unable to obtain b/c they do not have acess to culturally approved means of acheiven goals
4 types of deviance -Innovation
Occus when people accept socitys goals but adopt disappproved meand for acheveing them
4 types or deviance -Ritualism
Occurs when people give up on society goals but still adhere to the socially approved means for acheiving them
4 types of deviance - Retreatism
Occurs when people abandon both the approved goals and the approved means of achieving them.
4 types of deviance - Rebellion
Occurs when pople challenge both the approved goals and the approved means for acheve them and adovcate and alternate set of goals of meaning
Illegitimate opportunity structes
Circumstances that provide an opportunity for people to acquire through illegitimate activites what they cannot achieve through legitimate channels.
Libral femminist
Womens deviance and crime are rational respnse to gender discrimination that women experience in families and the workplace
Radical feminist
Views the cause of womens crime as originating in patriarchy mate domination over females
Social econmicstatus
A combined measure that in order to determine class laocation attempts to classify individual families or house holds in term of factor such as a income occupation and education
Working poor
The world poor account for about 20% of the us population. members of the working poor class live from just abouve to just below poverty line they typicall hold unskilled jobs , seasonal migrat job in agricultur , lower paid factory jobs and service jobs.
Absoulte Poverty
Exist when people do not have the means to secure the most basic necissities of life.
Relative proverty
Exists when people may be able to afford basic nesessities but are still unable to maintain average standard of living.