Chapter Six- Mightier Than the Sword

History of Journalism

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What contributed the rise of the magazine?
Population doubled between 1880 and 19900advances in printing and publishing lowered costs
This age of reform became known as?
Coined by?
Theodore Roosevelt; raking muck
Who is widely acknowledged as the first muckracker?
Lincoln steffens
What did he cover?
Began at the New York Evening Post covering wall streetten years later- 1902- switched to McClures
What project did he undertake that made him a journalistic icon?
Investigating the state of municipal government
What was this article called?published when?
reported what?
"Tweed Days in St. Louis"october 1902
city aldermen had crafted a system of governance based on bribery and corruption
What happened as a result of this article?
St. Louis Distric Attorney Joseph W. Folk gained public support to presecute dozensin 1904 he was elected governer of Missouri
After the St. Lois article what did Steffens do?
Moved to other cities- Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Philly, Chicago, NYCthen state- Missouri, Illinois, Rhode Island, New Jersey
What was Steffen's series dubbed?
Litterature of protest
What was the most tangible legacy of Steffen's journalistic work?
The shame of cities
What did it do?
Helped politicians better manage their governments
What was the leading muckraking magazine?
He chose to tackle what?using whom?
Standard oilserious minded women- looked like schoolmistress- Ida Tarbell
Tarbell originally wrote for what?
Chautauquan magazine