Chapter Fifteen-The Second Industrial Revolution- Section One and Two Vocabulary

Here is some vocabula

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Social Darwinism
The idea that society progresses through natural competition, where the "fittest" people, businesses, or nation should and would rise to positions of wealth and power, wheras the unfit fail.
Vertical Integration
To acquire(buy) companies that provide the materials and services upon which an enterprise depends.
Horizontal Integration
When one company buys other companies producing the same product.
What occurs when a trust gains control of an industry.
A board of trustees manages the stock of several companies who are all part of one industry.
Organizers raise money by selling shares of stock, or certificates of ownership, in the company.
An economic system in which private businesses run most industries and competition determines how much goods cost and workers are paid.
An economic system in which individual propery is not allowed, instead property and means of production are owned by everyone in the community.
Free Enterprise
An economic system in which businesses are left free from government regulation and allowed to compete in a free market.
Social Critics
People that criticized and analyzed the idea of social darwinism and who called for change.