Explain the Conceptual Framework of Qualitative Research Design Flashcards

Qualitative research's conceptual framework can be designed based on your research. Take care to include the problem, objective, and research. The goal of the theoretical framework is to demonstrate your research approach to improve the reader's understanding of your research approach. Read and study these flashcards for more about the structure of qualitative research and take the quiz to see how much you know.

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 187

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What are the four most common qualitative research designs?
1. Ethnography
2. Grounded theory
3. phenomenology
4. Case study
Ethnographic research designs are centered on what?
Cultural behavior. This research design seeks to record the cultural aspects of a group.
Grounded theory is?
A type of research design that utilizes a recursive form of question and analysis.
*The researcher begins with a set of question that leads to further questions.
*From the individual information collected, common themes are identified.
Phenomenological research design seeks what?
To understand the lived experience of those were being studied.
A case study is a?
Detailed analysis of a single or limited number of people or events.
*Case studies can be illustrative, exploratory, a critical instance, program effects, prospective, cumulative, or narrative.
Descriptive inquiry is?
A strategy used in qualitative research to develop a greater understanding of issues by describing individual experiences.
*Researchers are exploring the individual level of understanding (how each individual describes his or her experience) & collective level of understanding (what is common and not comment about the experiences.
A focus group is?
An open discussion in which individuals share their opinions about or emotional responses to a particular subject.
*Example is talking to individuals to gain information on what residents think about the current living conditions at a shelter.
Qualitative researchers focus on wanting to do what?
Discover more about the interactions between people and their environment.
Speculative inquiry is?
A data analysis process in which the collected information is used to generate common themes.
*This is done by asking different participants the same question.
Deductive research is the process of?
Reasoning that moves from a general hypothesis or theory to specific results through the use of quantitative methods.
Phenomenology is a type of?
Research design that seeks to understand the lived experience of the individuals who are being studied.
*Meaning their perceptions, thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
Phenomenology research uses what?
Descriptive inquiry.
*Researchers do this by coming participants themselves to gain first-hand knowledge.
Grounded theory is a type of research design that?
Utilizes a recursive form of question an analysis.
What is the name of the set of questions often referred to in the grounded theory?
Grand to her questions.
*These questions are based on existing knowledge such as experience, knowledge from others, tradition, and prior research.
*These questions are also open ended.
Ethnography is?
Research design that is centered on cultural behavior.
*This research seeks to record the cultural aspect of a group including language, dress, social norms, and behaviors.
*It is concerned with organization of society and the study of humans.