Chapter 6: Launching the Nation

History vocabulary. All vocabulary from sections of chapter 6.

14 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A body of advisors to the president, composed of the heads of the executive departments of the government.
A certificate that represents money the government has borrowed from private citizens.
An investor who buys items at low prices in hope that their value will rise.
A tax on imports and exports.
The United States Bank
First bank of the United States
Judiciary Act of 1789
Legislation passed by Congress that created the federal court system.
Jays' Treaty
(1794) an agreement negotiated by John Jay to work out problems between Britain and the United States over northwestern lands, British seizure of U.S. ships, and U.S. debts owed to the British.
French Revolution
French rebellion that began in 1789 in which the french people over threw the monarchy and made their country a republic.
Farewell Address
A letter written by George Washington near the end of his second term as president. It announced he was going to decline a third term in office.
A speech inspiring people to rebel against the power of a state or monarch.
KY/VA Resolutions
(1798-99) Republican documents that argues that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional.
Pinckney's Treaty
(1795) an agreement between the United States and Spain that changed Florida's border and made it easier for American ships to use the port of New Orleans.
Alien and Sedition Acts
(1798) laws passed by a Federalist-dominated Congress aimed at protecting the government from treasonous ideas, actions, and people.
Neutrality Proclamation
(1793) a statement made by president George Washington that the United States would not side with any of the nations at war in Europe following the French Revolution.